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Buy Lidocaine Cream

buy lidocaine cream
NeuroMed Lidocaine Cream – Box of 100 single-use sanitary packets and 63 gram multi-use tubes



What is lidocaine cream?


Numbing or lidocaine cream is usually a product that contains one or more of the following: lidocaine, benzocaine, tetracaine and/or prilocaine or any combination thereof used to reduce sensations of pain on the skin. It is used for a variety reason


When searching how and where to buy lidocaine cream, it is important to keep some basic facts in mind:


  • Safety and efficacy
  • Value proposition
  • Cost per gram (comparing apples to apples)
  • Legal aspects
  • Where it is made (the US FDA has strict standards regarding the sanitary manufacturing of healthcare products that truly protect the public)
  • Appropriate product for specified uses
  • Shipping costs, if online
  • Reputation of healthcare products with licensed healthcare clinicians



How to Decide How to Buy Lidocaine Cream


When you seek to buy lidocaine cream, keeping the above factors in mind will help you get the best products as well as avoid negative experiences. It is a good idea to be educated about all relevant aspects  before you decide to buy lidocaine cream. Below are some basic educational concepts that may help you:


  • The outside layer of the skin is considered a barrier layer designed to keep toxins and microbes outside of your body
  • The barrier layer is not easily penetrated since its job is to protect the deeper layer of the dermis (deeper skin layers)
  • Special ingredients called, penetration enhancers or drivers help to deliver the lidocaine (the active pharmaceutical ingredient or API) into the skin by temporarily altering it to make it more penetrable.
  • In overly high concentrations in the blood, lidocaine can cause severe adverse events (side effects)
  • Lidocaine cream products that are formulated to limit API systemic entry may reduce the risk of some adverse events
  • Packaging options should include single-use, sanitary methods to limit or eliminate the risk of cross-contamination
  • More is not always better. High quality is always better.


By reviewing each product carefully, you will be able to see which choice is best for your specific, individual body and condition before you buy any numbing cream product.