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Lidocaine Cream OTC

Lidocaine Cream can be purchased over the counter (OTC). Lidocaine cream OTC can be found in some pharmacies, but can also easily be purchased online from locations such as AMAZON.


Within the established regulatory monograph (FDA legal policy) for lidocaine cream Over the Counter (OTC), the maximum concentration allowed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) is 4% for use on human skin. Lidocaine cream OTC is used for a variety of conditions and procedures. Those procedures and conditions are:


  • pain, burn and itch caused by minor skin irritation
  • pain, burn and itch caused by minor burns
  • pain, burn and itch caused by insect bites and stings
  • pain, burn and itch caused by eczema



How to Use Topical Lidocaine Cream OTC


Topical lidocaine cream OTC should only be used on small to medium surface areas, not large areas such as the entire back or even half the back. Lidocaine cream OTC should also only be used up to three to four times per day and only for up to seven days, unless otherwise directed by a licensed physician.


Many people also use topical lidocaine cream OTC for numbing prior to injections, blood draws, piercings, tattoos, aesthetic procedures (such as microneedle, microblading and others), and many other procedures where skin numbing helps to reduce or eliminate pain.



Lidocaine Cream OTC


Lidocaine cream OTC should be applied in a thin layer to the affected treatment area and massaged into the skin. When applying lidocaine cream OTC it is best not to pre-apply heat or cover with any form of dressing unless directed by a licensed physician. While implementing these methods may possibly improve the penetration of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) in the lidocaine cream OTC, it may also increase the risk of systemic absorption which in high doses can lead to serious adverse health issues.


When used as directed these products are considered safe and effective for adults and children two years of age or older. Always ensure that your OTC lidocaine cream is made in US FDA approved and monitored facilities for the best quality and safety standards. Those products that are not manufactured in US FDA approved and monitored facilities run the risk of serious defects, flaws, inaccurate dosing, dangerous pathogenic microbes and more.







lidocaine cream OTC
NeuroMed branded products – manufactured using good manufacturing practices and in US FDA approved and monitored facilities