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Top numbing cream

What are the top numbing cream products available over the counter (OTC)? What determines which is the top numbing cream?


Factors in choosing the top numbing cream:


  • ease of use, applying and removing simplicity
  • freedom from gritty, oily, chalky or flaky residue
  • speed to onset of action time (how fast it begins to work)
  • Efficacy (positive effect)
  • safety



When deciding which product is the top numbing cream, it is important to keep each of these factors at the forefront of your decision-making process. While cost will naturally be a consideration, how easy, effective, safe and fast it works and is to use are things that will matter to you most once you are using the product in practice.



The formulation of the top numbing cream will determine the products safety, effect, texture and onset time. Careful planning is the primary key to the successful formulating process. This is important to you because, if the product is formulated with you the user kept at the forefront, the product will be made in such a way that it will satisfy your needs. Part of the formulation process of the top numbing cream includes ensuring that there is no left over residue that can complicate the use of the product. There are specific ingredients that help to enure a nice, uniform, creamy texture that is easy to use.



When considering safety there are two primary factors that the formulator of the best numbing cream will consider. One is a formula designed to limit the systemic entry of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) into the blood stream. The second consideration is to package the product so that it limits or eliminates the risk of contaminants entering the package or container. Multi-use containers carry and inherent risk of particles, toxins and/or pathogenic microbes (disease causing fungus, viruses and/or bacteria). Packaging the product in single-use, sanitary packets eliminate this risk.


The Top Numbing Cream



Of all the many numbing cream options available, NeuroMed 7 and the products in the NeuroMed BLT Combination package are the top numbing cream products that include all the important formulating and packaging considerations, designed to serve YOU best!



  • SAFETY. Supplied in single-use, sanitary packets to eliminate contamination
  • SAFETY. Approved study demonstrating limiting systemic entry of the API, lidocaine
  • SPEED. Formulation designed to speed onset of action
  • EFFICACY. Formulation designed to improve penetration capability of the API, lidocaine
  • EASE OF USE: Cream is smooth in texture with no unwanted residue
  • VALUE: Very cost-competitive compared to other leading brands


Find out why so many doctors use and recommend NeuroMed Topical Anesthetics! Fast acting (in as little as 15 minutes to peak effect)! TWO YEAR SHELF LIFE! Single-use packets ensure the product is fresh and full potency each time you use one! Save TIME and MONEY with NeuroMed Topical Anesthetics. ORDER YOUR NOW!




top numbing cream