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NeuroMed7® Tubes



Multi-use tubes – 63 mls.

Sold individually or in multi-unit tubes, NeuroMed7® can be used as a topical anesthetic either as a pre-procedural anesthetic or for conditions in which local, topical anesthesia/analgesia is warranted. A quarter size volume can be used for an approximate 4”x 4” surface area. Its active effective time will depend on condition, skin density and/or procedure. Each milliliter contains 40 mgs of lidocaine HCl.

NeuroMed7® can also be used to treat symptoms of the following conditions:
  • Relief of pain, burn and itch caused by contact dermatitis and eczema
  • Relief of pain, burn and itch caused by insect bites and stings
  • Relief from pain, burn and itch caused by minor burns and blisters
  • Therapeutic for desensitizing the male sexual organ to treat pre-mature ejaculation in males
  • Relief of pain, burn and itch caused by hemorrhoids
  • Other anesthetic uses as directed by a licensed medical professional or pharmacist

The proprietary formulation of NeuroMed7® includes both skin conditioners and compounds added to improve absorption and efficacy. NeuroMed7® will typically not cause a profound reddening effect of the skin when applied as directed.